The Haffey Family Session in beautiful Downtown Long Grove, IL | 6.29.19

A HUGE THANK YOU to my dear friend Shaunes for referring the lovely Haffey family for their annual family photos! I truly appreciate the referrals you guys! It means alot. I don’t have a referral program at the moment but with all the referrals coming in I’m thinking of establishing one soon!

Karla does family photos every year around her son Karson’s birthday. This year Karson turned the big four. I had fun photographing the Haffey family.  Karson was apprehensive and shy at first but after he warmed up to me his personality started to shine. I thought he was pretty silly and funny. I enjoyed every minute. It was a great session!

This session is a good example of great lighting and multiple variation poses.

I like to shoot around the evening when the sun is close to setting.  The lighting is perfect and even. That means no racoon eyes, no harsh shadow’s around the eyes or across the body. No one wants to look like a racoon, right. Haha. What’s makes it even better is it’s not too hot where the client is sweating and red. No one wants to look like they just got out of the sauna.

We started this session close to 6ish.  Everyone seems fresh and relaxed. Bright and airy.

Variation poses are a good way to stand out and feel special! I like to start with the family all together, slight movement and then break them into categories.

My sessions are fun and easy going.  I like to direct and guide you through the entire process. Having fun is mandatory 🙂

If you are looking for an updated modern family portrait or have never had outdoor pictures done and want too but are hesitant for whatever reason, I want to hear from you!

Summer is a good time to get family portraits done.
